
20 September 2013

{Family Fun} Lily and Kyla

As mentioned previously, Lily finally got to meet her little cousin, Kyla. Kyla was born in early August and due to our schedule issues (work!), we just now got to meet the cutie. Lily is obsessed!

Sorry for the crazy angles and shadow, it was super bright and I'm too pregnant to be getting down on their level right now. Plus, I didn't want to distract either girl. 

In the photo above, Lily put her finger inside the pacifier to feel Kyla sucking on it. She thought that was really cool! 

Lily has my grandmother's old camera and it's similar to what her Grandma had that day, so of course Lily was all about taking photos of Kyla sleeping. I couldn't pass up on Grandma with her two girls. 

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