
02 October 2013

{Family} Lily

Miss Lily

It's only fitting that after Baby Boy received the first post in this series, that his big sister would get Day 2. How can we skip over her?!?
Last night during our doctor's visit, my parents watched her. She is so full of it and as soon as I get home, my mom was updating her Facebook status to share a little "Lilism" with friends and family.
So what did she say?! She was talking to my mom and mentioned how my grandmother, Grammy, was old. My mom responded by saying she thinks she's getting old. Lily, patting my mom's arm, said "You are, Babby. See, you're getting all cracky." Cracky. Not cranky. I think it's the perfect description of how people age, especially from a 4 year old.
What would I do without this bright eyed child?!

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