
21 October 2013

{Family} Happy Anniversary!

11 years ago today, Doug and I became a couple. Long story short, my friend and roommate worked with him and thought "I needed a new guy" in my life, so she introduced the two of us. We went out on a date to a Mexican restaurant, went out to a bar (that allowed underage students since I was one at the time) and to a college "party" (or just some friends hanging out). 

In the 11 years, we've moved (a few times), got married, had Lily, are super close to having our son, switched careers (both of us), and so much more.

And yes, he surprised me with the roses and a few goodies for the hospital today. He got two giant bags of caramel apple suckers.... but don't start thinking we don't get each other nice things. We've just done that already with his new motorcycle, a new TV system, and remodeling the house. It's been a busy year! 

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