
08 November 2013

{Nate the Great} 2 Weeks

I do promise that not all future posts will be about Nate (or Lily for that matter) but as of right now, that's what it's going to be. Not only do the grandparents like it (Hi Grandma!), but other people seem to enjoy his cuteness too. Plus, I haven't had the energy lately to do much around the house. I'm lucky to get the dishes done, the floor swept, and some laundry finished AND put away. My energy level is increasing and the pain is pretty much non-existant now, but I also know I don't want to over do anything. I still can't drive and do anything crazy. But I would like to tackle a few projects around the house, starting with my dining room's buffet that has turned into the dumping ground for everything in transition (as in finding a home for things). Not to mention, my office area is a mess and I'm trying to organize a bunch of things so that some day when the shelves are built, I can just put the stuff on them and call it a day. I may also repaint in there but that'll have to wait until next summer... and also for me to finalize a color.


Nate is TWO WEEKS! 

He has this leather chair in his bedroom (thanks Babby and Papa!!) and I plan on taking weekly and monthly photos on it. I'd like to find a small chalkboard to prop up behind him to write the weeks on. Too bad I didn't think about that sooner! 

He is an eating machine! Every two hours, if not sooner, the boy wants food. He'll nurse some but I'm not producing enough, so he's on formula too. He'll take both, which is sometimes unusual for kiddos. I think he'll be our good eater out of the two. Lily is a little picky (unless it's chicken, cheese, fruit, or chocolate). I swear Nate will be the boy to eat everything as soon as we let him. 

He sleeps great during the day, allowing me to take a nap and relax some too. At night it can be a different story but he did give us one night of sleeping through the whole night (9-4:30 is what I definitely consider a full night!) but most of the time he's up for an hour or two halfway through until we finally get him full. Thankfully I'm off work and this isn't killing me!

He's still tiny. I was expecting another giant baby, so I bought all bigger clothes. Some of the 0-3 are still huge on him, especially the footie pajamas as they are a little long. But he's growing! Not every baby can be a giant like Lily (she was 9 lbs., 10 oz at birth!). I say he's tiny but giving birth to a 9 lb baby isn't exactly small...

He's not fussy except when hungry. 

He loves to cuddle and will happily be held all day long.

His two trips in the car (if you consider a 5 minute car ride a trip) have knocked him out. He's not a fan of the carseat but once he's in there and covered up with blankets, the boy is out. We went to the doctor's office last time, the mall, and back home before he even woke up. Well, after the doctor's office he was out, while there was a different story.

He's a poop machine. And pee too, so we're not worried about him not getting enough food. 

He has a little crooked smile that has gone both ways but normally to his left. It's adorable and will make anyone's heart melt.

His eyes are a grayish blue color but I wonder if they'll go more towards a green/gray. I hope so!

He responds really well to Lily. It's fun to watch him around her because he becomes more alert. It may have something to do with how loud that girl is!

He does NOT like baths and diaper changes. He prefers to be warm!

He makes a lot of random noises, sometimes making it hard for me to sleep. I know he's really deep asleep when he's quiet! 

He likes to be swaddled but will fall asleep quickly once swaddled correctly. He hasn't turned into his sister who had to be swaddled and bounced, jiggled, and moved constantly to fall asleep as a baby.
And today was his 2 week checkup and he now weighs 9 lbs., 5 oz. (bigger than birth weight which is great!) and has grown a half an inch since birth. We didn't get the card that shows what percentile. The doc is happy so we are too!

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