
05 November 2013

{Nate the Great} Funny Faces

Nate is almost two weeks old! WOW! 

He is super expressive (when awake) and here we caught him while waking up. He is the king of making faces and goes instantly from one to another... here are just a few (yes, there's a lot but not nearly as many as I took). Just as fast as my shutter can click, he makes that many faces. 

These were all taken with my Canon 5D and I need to work on my color. The yellow blanket and our not so great lighting made these all go yellow. I tried editing some, but I'm still learning the camera. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on this precious bundle...he is adorable!!!! As for your lighting....try changing your white balance to a more bluish daylight.


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