
06 December 2013

{Thanksgiving} Photo Dump

Before I get crazy with the Christmas posts, I realized I should post about Thanksgiving.

I also wanted to give a huge thank you to Kim at Made in a Day for featuring my driftwood heart art canvas. It's my very first feature!! 

The day before, I made my great grandmother's famous potato rolls (yes, made with mashed potatoes) and a gluten free caramel pecan pumpkin pie. This photo shows the rolls as they were rising again and after the pie was baked. Both were delicious if I say so myself! 

My mom's awesome Ragdoll cat, Mo. 

The pie... yum!

The spread. A lot of food for 4 adults, a 4 year year old and a baby. Yep, it was just us and my parents this year. 

My mom's dog, Kasey. Aren't those pitiful eyes?

Papa and Nate

Doug and Lily

90% (or more) of Lily photos are blurry. The girl is always moving!

Papa and his grandbabies 

Babby's turn

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