
16 March 2014

{You Are What You Keep} 2014 Edition

Hello! A couple of years ago I remember reading a blog about "You Are What You Keep" and how she tried to rid herself of 2010 items (or 2011, depending on the year, I can't remember). I've tried to do it but we were holding onto a few things for various reasons. One of the biggest things we kept were Lily's clothes from birth to present in case we gave birth to another girl. Well, that ship has sailed and we have Nate, which means we don't need almost 5 years of clothes! So, long story short, I'm going to try to rid myself of 2014 items. My list will include all of Lily's clothing, my clothes, Nate's and Doug's clothes too that we no longer need/want. It'll also include household stuff in various forms.

So far I've gotten rid of two large trash bags full of my clothing. I gave them all to our local donation center. I also gave them Lily's old carseat. I'm not going to keep track of a full list of items, but I know for sure that my trash bags contained at least 40 pieces of clothing. I've also taken a bunch of stuff to school for kids to use instead of hoarding the crap I don't use.

So here's the list... give or take 5-10 items or so. I figured anything is good, 2014 is just out of the ballpark great!

1-40 - my clothing
41 - Lily's old carseat
42-100 - trash items from my desk (I'm counting papers too, just so my house is clean!)
101-150 - trash items from bathroom - old products, etc. that were either out of date or never used
151 - 160 - old shirts taken to school for paint shirts

Lily's clothes from birth to 5 - these will hopefully be sold at a garage sale, the rest donated
Nate's clothes from birth to present - he's outgrown so much already, it's sad, but I want it out of my house
unused and unwanted furniture in our basement
unused and unwanted junk that I'm hoarding ... why?!?! ... it. must. go.
old clothing from me and Doug - donate if possible, trash the rest
go through kitchen cabinets, get rid of unused items that take up room (do I really need all those champagne, margarita, drink type glasses that I NEVER use?!?)
old books - donate to school and/or donation center
arts and crafts supplies - use and/or donate
kids' toys - donate what isn't used or anything broken/missing pieces (we're terrible about cards... we lose half the deck, keep the rest. No more!)

Wish me luck. I have over 3000 sq. feet of house that needs gone through in order to declutter. It's refreshing and freeing to do so. Do you rid your house of unwanted items? Spring cleaning anyone?

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