
28 May 2014

{Lily's Garden} New Bed #1

As stated in the previous post about Lily's Garden, I made a new bed in the one last corner of the garden. When we installed the fence last fall, it broke up the remaining front portion of the garden into four sections. One closest to the house that now has three hydrangeas, one on the other side of the fence from the hydrangeas (that was shown off in the previous post) and two others, closest to the driveway - one on either side of the fence. Confusing, I know. I need some drawings of the aerial shot of the garden.

Anyway, this one corner was rather larger than the rest and I just hadn't tackled it yet. I kind of knew what plants I wanted and knew that they would need to be able to handle full sun. Last fall I remember seeing a few plants I liked at our local nursery, that I love, and so I kept that in my mind all winter long. Now that it's finally past all of our horrible, cold, wet winter, I can plant! And plant I did! I started by clearing out the area, Doug tilled it, and then I focused on the plants. I put the new miniature butterfly bush in the back center, leaving room for it to grow. I added one star gazer lily, some coneflowers, and an assortment of others.

And the semi - after... I need to take a photo of the mulched area. Mulch makes all gardens look great!!! 

One more bed down... makes it three... so one more to go! I hope to knock it out this week!!

Next up on our list... a raised bed in our front yard for our two blueberry bushes! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!!! I'm with 'ya....mulch makes anything look better. I love that stuff. :)' Keep up the good work. ;)


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