
06 May 2014

{You Are What You Keep} May Update

As 2014 continues to fly by, I am working on one of my main goals for this year - purge and clean! Organizing too, but that'll come after. So awhile back, I wrote a post and started listing what I've gotten rid of. I am back to say I've added to that list!

Here's what I had...
1-40 - my clothing
41 - Lily's old carseat
42-100 - trash items from my desk (I'm counting papers too, just so my house is clean!)
101-150 - trash items from bathroom - old products, etc. that were either out of date or never used
151 - 160 - old shirts taken to school for paint shirts

And now my additions:

160-170 - boards off of front deck from Lily's bedroom remodel - these are getting cut up for a classroom project for my 6th graders
171-180 - old aluminum window pieces, frames, screens, etc that had been junking out our back porch (recycled)
181 - old door from the house, no idea what it was used for - finally thrown away (or taken from curb, who knows)
182 - broken computer chair - it was broken for years, sat on our back porch the entire time - it was picked up from our curb
183 - 190 - random junk from back porch
191 - 200 - other random boards from Lily's bedroom remodel - thrown away and/or recycled
201 - box of wires to go to school (yes this counts because it's out of MY house, my classroom doesn't count in this)
202 - box of magazines
203 - box of crap for school. This should really count as about 50 items, but I'll just do one because it's now out of my house and I'm not picky. 
204 - 220 - old binders and folders, taken to school
221 - 240 - school supplies, taken to school
241 - 245 - box of random knick knacks given to me, taken to school for future still life drawings
246 - painting given to me, taken to school
247 - broken doll stroller, trash 
I am planning a garage sale for all of Lily's and Nate's clothes, plus a few random furniture pieces and other stuff. I'd love to tackle our basement this summer and go through all the boxes, bags, and whatnot. It's a mess down there and many things have not been touched in years.... meaning, it can go! 
So, I'm about 10% done with my goal! Not too shabby! 

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