
07 August 2014

{Lily's Garden} Garden Tour

As our summer comes to a close (we're both teachers), we can successfully mark one big item off of our never-ending to do list... Lily's Garden is finished! Well, as finished as a garden can be, right?!? Enough chit chat, let's have the pictures do the talking! 

This is what happens when bird seed is allowed to go crazy (above). The sunflowers are bigger than my hands and the birds are loving it! There is a bird feeder in the mess, along with the now empty feeder I just moved. The birds are eating fresh seeds though, so I'm not worried about their feeders.

This is the back corner that is mostly shaded. It has four hydrangeas, as seen above, along with some hostas. There are two regular, mop head varieties, one climbing hydrangea, and one oak leaf. The red daylily is where the light typically ends as it goes above and beyond our house. The bird bath was my grandmothers and it needs a new bowl/bath piece as the original broke in half. 

Up close with the climbing hydrangea. Check out all of its feelers as it connects to anything. I've been slowly getting it to grow up the trellis that we put up a couple of years ago. I hope next year will be a big growth year for it, as it will be its third year and typically it takes three years for them to really grow.

Doug bought me the gazing globe from our local nursery. I had been eyeing it all summer and he got it for me as a reward for all of the hard work I've been doing this summer in the garden (mainly the bricks). It helps brighten up the lily bed as my poor little sedum seems to want to die and the lilies are done for the summer. 

These two are from the same plant (or they definitely appeared to be that way!) and I just loved the colors of the one opening up. The garden is full of bees and I don't use any pesticides, although that may be needed to kill the moles that have come back. I try to make it healthy for our bees and butterflies.

Above is from one of the newest beds, click here for what it looked like at the beginning of summer.

I'll be back later for some comparison photos and some detailed posts. I already have some plans for next year that luckily aren't too major. I'm planning on splitting some of the larger plants and putting some in the back yard. As for some of the beds, they'll be getting some extra plants next year to help keep some color going after the day lilies are done. But overall, I love how this year has seen so much growth in every area possible. New beds, reusing more of our recycled bricks, and finally getting rid of all of the grass with the rocks. I just love it, don't you!?


  1. Your garden is all these lovely flowers shots. Gorgeous.
    Know you must be enjoying it very much.
    and you and your husband do one of the Most important jobs on the planet.
    Thank YOU!!
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. Great tour! You got some great photos of your garden, too. Thanks for linking up to The DIY'ers!

  3. i am ignoring those shots with bees...nothing makes my skin crawl quite like a bee/wasp/hornet...but the photos are gorgeous! hello! gorgeous! and i love that newer bed, with the succulents in it! enjoy all your hard work paying off.

    1. Sorry about the bees! Sometimes it's hard to take a photo of these plants without them, but they don't bother me at all so I let them be! Now wasps and hornets are different... they can all die too!

  4. What a wonderful garden and great job on the landscape design! Checking you out from the MO Women Bloggers. Following you via Social Media as well.

  5. So pretty! As someone with a black thumb, I'm always impressed to see the work of talented gardeners!

    1. Thank you! The majority of these flowers are extremely easy to grow in our area (Missouri). I have lost my share of plants over the years but it's normally due to the moles in our area, not the right spot, or my lack of watering skills when the summers get really hot. Manure was added to a few of these beds as well and that really helps!


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