Hi! I'm linking up to Kelly's Korner's blog today and I thought I'd start off by introducing the group around here. I'm Megan, the blogger of the family. I've been married to Doug for almost 10 years and we have two beautiful, wonderful kiddos. Lily will be 7 in May and Nate is almost 2 1/2.
I blog (well, when I do... it gets a little crazy here), I blog about my family, our adventures, and our house and home. Last summer we completely renovated our main bathroom. And by completely renovated - I mean gutted it to the walls... and even floor. I realized I never did a complete tour of the room, all nice and done. Add that to my list!
See? I told you sometimes even the floor goes! And yes, the above two photos are the same room. Crazy, huh?!?! Check our all the main bathroom posts here.
I love to be outdoors and we've completely changed the majority of our landscaping. Well, let's just say all of it because only three bushes in the entire yard have stayed in our 9 years here and their days are numbered.
Last summer, I redid our back yard. Well, we started it. It definitely improved a lot but we still have some plans!
The biggest change, and longest project, is what I call our "Lily Garden". That's for two reasons - one, our daughter is named Lily and it started with a plant I received from my grandmother when I gave birth. And two, there are a lot of different types of lilies in our garden.
The above photo was from last year, before the climbing plants and lantana took over. I just love how we started with nothing and now it's this bright, colorful oasis of flowers! (Our next door neighbor's green lawn was basically what we had...minus all the fencing).
Oh, and I don't blog much about it, but here's some other stuff about me....
1. I'm an art teacher. I teach middle school.
2. My husband is a coach and teacher at a high school.
3. We spend a lot of time with our family.
And so much more. Find me at Instagram at thebrickbungalow for more frequent updates!