
15 August 2016

{Life Lately} July

Is it me or did July come and go in a blink of an eye?

We started the month getting ready for our trip to South Carolina. We left on the 4th and were there for a week.

We came home for enough time to do some laundry, spoil our pups, do some gardening, and clean the house in preparation for being gone for our annual lake trip.

Before leaving for the lake trip, we went to our local fair. It's been a tradition for 6 years now and both kids love it! 

For four days, we were down at our favorite lake with my parents, cousins and aunt.

After that, we spent some time at my parents' house on my brother's birthday. He would have been 37. This is a shot of their back yard patio that they made themselves. My mom is a huge fan of Japanese style zen gardens and so she uses a lot items you'd find in those, plus a huge tie into nature in many forms (the line of trees at the top of the photo is the beginning of their woods). There are two small water ponds just out of sight on the right of this photo that are home to many frogs and an occasional snapping turtle. 

Swimming at my parents' pool adds more fun as the kids slow down from the trips.

And although after that has slowed down, the month is now gone. As teachers, our month of July is special time. August is already half over too but as teachers, we've spent the majority of our time getting ready for the school year. Meetings, room prep, curriculum, lesson plans... you name it, at least one of us has done it already.

Why do summers have to go by so quickly?!? 

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