Last week, I finally tackled the back half of Lily's Garden when it came to the weeds. Guys, it was bad! I had tackled the front portion over Spring Break or earlier in the year before I laid down mulch. But the back part? Nope. And then it rained, got hot, and repeated because it's Missouri and the weather likes to do that. But then, thankfully, it cooled off after some storms and so the ground was soft and the weather was good and I got my butt outside to weed.
Three hours later, it went from a giant eyesore of green weeds, grass, and overgrown dill to where you can see my rock paths, recycled brick pavers, and my plants again. And then it sat there, exposed dirt and all, until I finally added mulch to it a week later.
See? I mean the landscaping fabric doesn't care about stuff anymore as this was all between it and the rocks. And oh so much grass. Thankfully there was no poison ivy in the mix, as that's all in the backyard (where are my poison ivy eating goats?!).
Stopped to enjoy the flowers I can see again. I added the above purple Scabiosa (I believe) earlier in the year and then ignored it, knowing it had enough rain to survive.
You can see the bricks! And the rocks! It's not 100% free of weeds (probably never will be) but it's there and I can walk around and enjoy the back half as easily as I do the front. And now, I can take 30 minutes to an hour in the mornings to do light weeding, when necessary.
I need to figure out what to do with the fireplace insert. My dad got it from an old job site of his and I used to put flower pots in it. I think it needs to be moved to a better spot, more of a focal point, but the thing is a beast and I don't really have a better spot. Suggestions?
And to save you from scrolling back up to the top for a good before and after... here it is ...
And then I added mulch, which needs more than one picture taken, but you can kind of see it below. You'll see it more on Instagram - follow me at thebrickbungalow
And just so you don't have to scroll back up. Doesn't it look amazing?
I also chopped off some of the oak leaf hydrangea as it made it hard to see the hostas, the hidden baby hydrangea back there (baby in size, not years, that needs moved) and some astilbe I planted last year.
Want to see more garden photos?
Lily's Garden - what you see above and more of the same space
Side Yard - our little area that is well used with containers and herbs
Back Yard - a mix of everything in our backyard including gardens no longer there
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