
24 March 2020

{Life Lately} Teacher and Mom Life

Obviously life has gone crazy for all of us and I know I'm not the exception. Between my school being closed for three weeks (now five, one being our Spring Break), teaching online with pretty much no experience (to no one's fault, I'm not blaming anyone), and being a mom to two kiddos at home going through their own online schooling, life is crazy - as is the everything else in the world. 

But, I'll try to stay optimistic and so I will be enjoying the time home with my littles as we navigate our new norm. 

I have "office hours" for work, which means that I will be updating lesson plans, reaching out to students, and creating virtual projects for kids. I honestly am not sure how I will do this for the whole month of April but I'll figure it out this week as we have off. I also have some extra time to myself, so that's been nice. I've gone for morning walks with our dog, Rex, and doing extra yoga at night.

Lily both loves and hates the online education piece but will be the one who misses her friends more than anyone. I honestly feel that she's doing more work now than when in school but maybe that's just my perspective as it switches to learning and doing online vs learning verbally from her teacher. 

Someone is happy that everyone is home and tries to sit on us. 

Nate was already doing homeschooling due to his Perthes Disease. He is supposed to get his cast off on April 1st so we aren't sure how that will be. The doctor did say that he wants him there to be seen at some point but the date may change. 

How are you making it through this quarantine? Doing ok? 

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