
06 April 2020

{Back Yard} Bug Hotel

Hello again friends!

I posted about my Back Yard Garden Refresh and how I moved some things around. In the middle of moving the actual garden bed areas, I wanted an area to set up a bug hotel. For the past couple years, as they are becoming more popular, I'd see them all over the place and knew that I wanted one. Well, I had this old metal dog crate that was missing the top (or bottom, whatever), and so I decided to repurpose it. It's definitely a work in progress as I need a lot of the "extras" but I was using what I had on hand. 

I started by placing a divider, which some random thing in my shed. I don't think it went to this dog crate, but it was something I've always had at the house. 

I added the terracotta pots as they both have cracks in them and I don't use them for actual planters. I figured that if they continued to break down more, the small pieces could fall through the bottom of the crate. The metal piece leaning next to the planters is something weird from my shed. I honestly have no clue what is is but I thought I'd throw that in there too. 

I moved the two plastic terracotta pots from the South Side Garden as the plants inside had died so I can redo that this summer. They may have flowers, they may have raspberries or herbs, who knows!?

The thing sitting on top of the crate are dried loofahs that stayed outside all winter. I figured that their little holes would be good for bugs. I shoved a small one in the small terracotta pot. 

I stole the U shaped log from my parents' farm and added some random wood pieces from my shed. The little bricks in the back are old stepping stones that broke, and I'd like to add a shelf tower on top using small pieces of wood. 

And above is what I've stopped at. I'll add more twigs and wood from my yard, plus I need to grab things like pine cones and other natural elements. Mulch and broken pots are underneath to fill the space as I put the crate on bricks to create a space under it. 

What do you think? Have you made a bug hotel? If so, what have you put in it? I have a little bee hotel that was bought and hung on a fence in another part of the yard. I wonder if I should move it above this area and make a little collection, or leave it where it is? 

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