

Welcome to The Brick Bungalow!

This blog has seen some growth and changes over the years. What started out as a place to show off home projects in our 100 year old bungalow and family adventures has now lead to the start of a side business. By day, I work in education. My past experiences include working at a bakery and 9 years as an art teacher. My hobbies include gardening, traveling, and of course, spending time with family.

In 2024, I have started to branch out into the world of Cookie Cakes. I hope to continue working on them, creating more for family, friends, coworkers, and customers. 

In 2025, I plan on adding more flowers to the gardens to make bouquets and sell them. They will be seasonal varieties, so stay tuned for that.

Since college, I have played with paintings and photography. My first degree is Art. My second was Art Education. While I no longer work as an Art Teacher, I will forever love art and try to paint when possible, which unfortunately, is limited. I love photography too, especially nature, so that shows up on the blog too.

So... who is Megan Sloan?

That's me. Just minus the last name. The name first appeared in my college years, then resurfaced as I divorced. Now, as I am happily remarried, I decided to keep the Megan Sloan along with The Brick Bungalow as that's been the name of this blog for years.

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