
12 October 2013

{Family} Saturday

As we enjoy this beautiful weather (something else to celebrate!), Doug mowed the lawn and Lily kept herself busy because she just had to go outside. Her favorite activity if allowed is to play with bungee cords in her Daddy's truck. Here she is striking the pose of a window sticker Doug has on his truck for wrestling. She loves that sticker! 

And of course, it wouldn't be fall without some sort of decorating. I'm lacking it in other areas but finally got some pumpkins out in our front yard. Lily loves them. The creepy gnome was going to get a coat of paint but Doug says no, so I'll let him win for now. The mini scare crow is a 97 cent buy for Miss Lily as she found it and loved it. It's a little crow. 

Here's another little arrangement (thanks to Lily) that sits on our front porch. Ignore the fact that the white concrete needs scraped and painted desperately. The little cactus in the purple pot is Lily's. We picked it out months ago and Lowe's and it's grown a good inch or so. The pink flower is hot glued and was on the top if that shows you how much it grew this summer. I think I have a similar cactus in my kitchen that hasn't grown that much in 6+ years. 

Hey, I'm caught up with my 31 Days! Wish me luck as the next two weeks will be packed with any last minute item as we prepare for Little Man's arrival! 


  1. Replies
    1. I know, isn't it?! That is her perfect personality and a photo that will definitely be printed and kept for high school graduation, wedding, etc. She loves striking that pose and making noises with it. I should get it on video before she stops. Thanks for reading!


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