
13 October 2013

{Family Photo Overload!

Last Sunday we braved the weather (which said nothing about rain!) to go to our local pumpkin patch and farm. If we didn't go then, I think Lily would have lost it as she had been waiting for at least a week when I mentioned it was open. 

As you entered the place, they provide the food for the animals and the goats eat it up! Lily really enjoys farm animals, probably more than our own cats and dogs. 

Miss Sassy Pants. I so want backyard chickens some day! 

This was new and definitely fun to capture their growth, too bad they didn't start it 4 years ago when we first brought her! 

Yes, that belly is huge. No need to remind the person who lives with it 24/7. 

I say it was $5 (a person) well spent! 

You can see last year's visit here and a recap of earlier years here.

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