
14 October 2013

{Front Yard} Fall Plantings

As mentioned previously, we got new sidewalks installed professionally. As a part of it, I had to redo our little corner garden with our foundation stone. No biggie though, as it desperately needed the irises and lilies that were super overgrown to find new homes. I changed the shape of it slightly although it's impossible to tell from this angle. 

As they bulldozed the yard, they almost knocked over the stone but it proved it's ability and stayed up (good thing too as it's a monster!). The bricks are recycled off a job site that a friend worked on. The flowers include two yellow mums (that could look a bit better but at least they aren't dead!), and some other flowers I picked up at a local nursery. There's a bush between the two mums but the purple flowers fell over and never rebloomed. Oh well. It'll give me a good spot to put some annuals each year and freshen up the yard. 

The "welcome" sign was installed by the guys who did the sidewalk. They asked if they could and I thought it would be a fun addition. We've talked about painting the inside but I'm thinking it'll stay plain for awhile. We already have enough concrete painting on our to do list that I probably don't need to add more. 

And while I was at it outside with my camera (iPhone today, sorry), I took a photo of the little area Doug and Lily made awhile back. Lily was watering it today and it definitely needs some attention. The overhang on the house protects it from rain, so we have to be careful and make sure it gets extra water. The rocks are hiding some of the smaller plants but it'll be another fun spot to add color yearly. It needs mulch but I still haven't given it much thought as to rocks vs. wood mulch. 

I'm definitely enjoying the colors in our fall garden. It's the first fall that we seem to still have color come the middle of October! 


  1. Oh I love the mums and I love flowers. Yours look great. I would love for you to link up to Inspire Me this afternoon. Party goes live at 2:30 PT. Hope to see you there. Hugs, Marty

  2. Looking great! I need to do some fall planting too. I'm hosting a pillow cover giveaway that you should enter!


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