
04 February 2014

{Food} White Bean Chicken Chili

The other day, I was craving soup but wanted something different. My mom makes a white bean chicken chili and so when I saw this recipe at The Pioneer Woman's site, I thought I'd try it. I was already browsing her site or else I would have called my mom for her recipe. 

I followed PW's recipe even though mine ended up more soupy than hers, I like it though. I added shredded Colby jack cheese and sour cream before eating and it was delicious! The next time I make it, I'll add another jalapeƱo (her recipe calls for one) and maybe more garlic. Doug and I already talked about how it's a "keeper" recipe and wondering about using the crockpot next time. 

I'm going to try to post more food/recipe posts because I found a lot of photos of food on my phone, remembered some of the meals were good, but couldn't find the exact recipe. I cook almost every night, so I should be able to post regularly, even if it's just a link like this one. Plus, who can compete with PW's photography skills and step-by-step visual instructions?!

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