
04 February 2014

{Nate the Great} Three Months

Nate is officially 3 months old... ok, so it was January 25... I'm a little late. Maybe on his 4 month shot, I'll be on time. I took the photos on time, but getting around to a post hasn't been the easiest. But now we're going into day 3 of snow days, so I have some free time.

The above photo shows off his cheeks. The below photo has his tongue sticking out. To bad my camera and I aren't working well together (and some super strong back lighting doesn't help but that was my fault).  

The photo below shows "his look". Lily had a similar one, I'll have to find it and compare. 

This is one of my favorite photos of him. He's not a huge fan of smiling for the camera because he gets kind of shy in front of it (or mesmerized is almost more like it). But this one I had to work for, bubbles and all! 

And then I tried to lay him down in his bed for more photos with the bear and he was NOT having it! 

As for what he's doing:

"Talking" a lot
LOVES to stand up while we hold him. Many times he fusses just so we stand him up and he instantly smiles.
Loves watching people, especially Lily.
Has tried both rice cereal and sweet potatoes, but both were just for fun. He's still all bottle for food.
Kicks a lot with his legs
Pushes up easily while on belly time
Holds his head up with no problem
Will lean back while you hold him, giving your arm a work out (and making sure you pay attention while walking through door ways!)
Still has the little red spot on his nose
Smiles all the time

We aren't sure how much he weighs or how long is he. 
He's in size 2 diapers.
He's in 3-6 month clothing but can fit in some 3 and some 6, depending on what brand.

He's easily one of the happiest, best babies around. He fusses some at night or when he's tired, and if he's hungry, but not at much else. He loves cuddles and being talked to. We are definitely blessed with this little guy! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I've always wanted a kiddo of mine to have red hair. I've always been one of the only ones in my family, so now I have a mini-me. Too bad he didn't get green eyes too, but I'll take his pretty blues!


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