
20 July 2015

{Bathroom} More Randoms

I apologize in advance for these iPhone photos. I thought I had versions on my camera but I don't. And it's nasty dark outside from the rain and without the lighting in the room, these won't be retaken. Plus, my phone doesn't take that bad of quality photos - just better for the before and after photos that will happen soon. Hopefully.

Hello all! Are you still with me? Is it just Doug that reads this?!?? 

We (and by "we" I mean Doug and my dad) have done a lot so far. The first photo shows the ceiling and how it was dropped to allow the ran to be installed. It also allowed for some can lighting and the venting of all of the plumbing. I tried to label a photo in PicMonkey but it wanted to be super slow and give me problems. 

The tub, it's since been removed of the supports (to help the adhesive stick during installation) and is so bright white and shiny. I kind of want to just touch it all the time. So much better than our previous shower and tub. The wall with the blue outlet is right next to the door. It may get a mirror on it similar to my inspiration photo but it may not. We'll probably live with the room first before anything major is added. We do have a mirror already that came from the bedroom Lily now lives in (before we remodeled it).

And the best part… the plumbing is in! My double vanity should be here soon after that giant issue over the past couple of weeks. Fingers crossed that it'll all be here soon without anymore breaks! 

And yes, this is a really dark shot. I took this one this morning but the lighting is dark in the room. Well, the fact that is no lighting is actually the problem. And the darkness outside. But anyway, this is our toilet area. There's a can light above and there will probably be some above the toilet storage similar to my inspiration photo, but we'll see. 

Last week I ran around like crazy trying to find a piece for a light fixture only to realize that the online source was the only option. So that'll be dealt with soon. Our medicine cabinets were returned after one came in broken. It said it was wood online and it was definitely just MDF or something even cheaper. Total let down. Our vanity should be in soon too. 

So much has happened and so much is still going to happen…stay tuned for more! 

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