
26 April 2016

{Family Time} MU Vet School

A couple weeks ago, I gathered up my kids and met my parents and we drove to MU for their family fun day. We weren't sure what to expect but knew it would involve animals and since Nate is an animal loving kid, we thought it would be fun.

And what's more fun then starting the day off with a tractor ride?!!? We actually started with breakfast and some fire trucks to stare at, so he was already in Heaven. 

And Nate wears his sunglasses upside down every time. We show him the right way but it's harder for him to push them up on the top of his head when they are right side up. 

That bunny was gigantic! And it wasn't even the largest bunny in its breed. 

A wallaby anyone? 

Nate really enjoyed the baby animals. 

Lily even petted a few. No one stuck their hand inside the cow who has a hole (on purpose) on the side of its stomach. It's a vet school, so they learn from it. I was tempted but also grossed out. 

Lily was all for riding the horse. She got the lucky one that can dance and do tricks. 

Face painting for the win. She was completely passed out here. I love it. 

Nate was pretty exhausted too. 

Giving us their best "rawr!" faces!! It is home of the tigers, so they have to get it right. 

And then there was the locally made ice cream. Delicious! 

It was a fun, little chaotic, day of checking out the MU vet school. Maybe one of my kids will go there. I'd be fine with them living that close to home!!! 

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