
29 April 2016

{Garden} Morels

My parents own 80 plus acres and not too long ago, my mom went out looking for morels. She found a snake and that was the end of her hunt. That is, until she came to our yard and was playing outside with Nate. The cinderblocks, below, are a part of what will be a retaining wall for the kids' play area (to hopefully be finished this summer!). 

Do you see it? It's there and my mom couldn't believe it. And it wasn't the only one! 

Look at the size of those things! 

We found 5 that day - two were bad, so we left them there in hopes of more mushrooms. The next day I went back out and found this giant. Seriously, have you seen any that big?! Plus, it had already had a piece broken off it. 

I haven't found anymore but I took a few of the stems and top pieces that broke off and threw them all around the kids' area. Who knows! We are guessing they liked that the dirt had been moved and there wasn't grass in the way. Plus, it had rained a lot and then got hot - perfect mushroom making weather in Missouri. 

Do you like morels? Are they available in your area? I love regular mushrooms and portabellas but I'm honestly not a fan of these. Doug and my parents are though, so hooray for free food! 

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