
31 October 2013

{Halloween} Throwback Thursday

While searching through photos online, I couldn't help but to share Miss Lily's first Halloween. She was just over 5 months old and so fun! She could roll over, push up, and was so close to crawling. She kept that until it was closer to Christmas! 

Those pumpkins that caught her attention are fake pumpkins Doug carved previously and we put a piece of tissue paper and a string of lights in each one. One is a monster/ghost and the other is obviously a cat. The skulls are a string of lights we picked up at Michael's. We used to decorate a lot for Halloween! 

Lily's first costume - wasn't it great?!?! We had the coconuts air brushed by a guy at our mall and I made the tutu. She couldn't stand up by herself so my friend helped her to show off her great costume.

Lily's other costumes over the years have included a giraffe (store bought), peacock (homemade), and Tinkerbell (store bought) (what three year old hasn't been Tink or a Princess?!). This year she's a black cat! Pictures to come tonight. 

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