
{Holidays} Halloween

Miss Lily had her mind set on Tinkerbell for months. We borrowed a Tinkerbell costume from my cousin but were afraid that it may be ruined, so when we found one that Lily just had to have for less than $15 at Marshalls, we went ahead and bought it. The blue wings are from Walmart that we bought before we found the Tinkerbell dress. The adorable pink flower basket was from Old Navy and I'm glad we bought it because it goes along with her outfit just perfectly!

Lily waiting on someone to answer the door at my Aunt and Uncle's House.
I love this photo! It's of my uncle and his adorable Boxer, Bennie.
Batman (aka Daddy) and Tinkerbell going out to start Trick or Treating.
Lily went to maybe 12-15 houses before wanting to go back. That was more than the few we started out with (we had to go back out later) and more than last year. She started to get the hang of it, especially because there were a lot of other kids around, but she still was being shy and not fond of ringing people's doorbells.

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