{Life Lately} Pumpkin Patch

I'll post more pictures when some 2 year old isn't begging for Blue's Clues on the computer (vs the TV - I seriously need an iPad for this girl!) but I wanted to post something.... These are three pics from the 3 years we've gone to the local Pumpkin Patch. I tried all three to be in the wagon but we didn't do it her first year. I'll find some more that are related.
Almost 2 1/2 years

2010, the first time she had her hair in the pony tail.

2009 - By far the cutest outfit but it also happened to be the coldest day and we weren't prepared. Taught us a lesson in parenting that day.

1 comment:

SkinnyMeg said...

What a cutie! It's just amazing how MUCH they change year to year!


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