I posted about our trip to the Magnolia Plantation (see it here if you haven't already) but thought I'd post the petting zoo separately.
I'll start off by saying Lily isn't the biggest fan of animals. She says she likes them but she can freak out easily if they touch her, especially butterflies and anything that can jump and land on her. Nate is the opposite. He's my animal loving kid, except for the birds on the beach which we allowed him to chase.
These deer though. I live in Missouri so I'm familiar with deer. Not this familiar, obviously, but we see them often. These were more like dogs. And super friendly. They also liked to lick.
Peacocks. One of my favorite animals and yes, I luckily found a feather to keep. It's proudly displayed on my mantel now. A school group was in here at the same time and a kid found another and I was jealous. Not going to lie.
We did have to teach Nate not to chase the peacocks.
This tortoise could come live with me at any time. Look at that face!!!
There were more animals and it was great to see so many look happy and healthy (unlike some petting zoos). These were definitely well taken care of.
Day 3 - Magnolia Plantation and Magnolia's Petting Zoo
Day 4 - Charleston and the Charleston Aquarium
Day 5 - Dolphin Cruise
Day 6 -
Day 7 -
Day 8 -
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