
11 August 2016

{South Carolina} Day 7 - Botany Bay

Day 7 saw Doug and I having a quiet trip to Botany Bay. I had seen images online before our trip and knew that I wanted to check it out. We heard it wasn't the easiest to get to because of the bugs, animals, and heat, not to mention the 1/2 mile walk to the beach. But we decided to brave it and lucked out. The walk was easy, the heat wasn't horrible (we went early in the morning) and the animals were all hiding minus the crabs and some birds. 

I wish Nate was here to see the shrimp boat. It was far enough way to not see everything so maybe he wouldn't have enjoyed it but it's definitely different than the boats in Missouri! 

Thank goodness for zoom lenses that work! 

Day 4 - Charleston and the Charleston Aquarium 
Day 5 - Dolphin Cruise 
Day 6 - Beach and Relax
Day 7 - Botany Bay and Family Photos
Day 8 - 

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