
11 July 2018

{Colorado} Garden of the Gods

In June, my cousin got married in Colorado. So naturally, we took a road trip and turned it into a week long vacation! My parents are super awesome and planned the whole thing for us and even rented a minivan. Now, I know this may sound crazy for some, but it totally works for us and we travel well together. 

I have a ton of photos of everything we did, so like with our long trip to South Carolina, I'm going to break it up into a few posts. 

We drove into Colorado on a Friday and the wedding was on a Sunday. On Saturday, we had a family luncheon in Denver, where we stayed for a few days. Before the wedding on Sunday, we went to the Garden of the Gods. It's definitely worth it and I recommend getting there early before it gets crazy busy!


Don't forget to check out our other Colorado posts! 

Garden of the Gods - you're here! 

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