Mission Organization

Ahh, organization. What a wonderful concept and something I'd love for my whole house to be some day. It's on its way there... slowly but surely.

Our basement, where this picture was taken, has two sections. One is what I would LOVE to redo some day for a nice entertainment room - TV, sectional, round table with chairs (game table/poker, etc) and even a bar area with a fridge and microwave. It's definitely big enough for all of that. It even has a large closet that would hold all of our movies and games. Plus, there's a 3/4 bath so people wouldn't be running up and down the stairs. And by people, I'm imagining Lily at 13 with a bunch of crazy girl friends. 'Cause boys aren't allowed. ;)

Anyway, back to reality. The above mentioned half is used for storage right now and the other half is our laundry room and more storage. Since Doug's closet isn't finished yet, he uses it for all of his clothes. And the boy has a bunch! Dress clothes, fun/regular clothes, gym clothes, seasonal clothing. Wowzers! So, those shirts are his and a little back story as to why they are next to the paint.

Speaking of paint, which is the main reason for this post, this house seems to be making paint cans out of thin air. Seriously. I know, I know, not possible. It's actually to be blamed on the previous homeowner and the fact that she left all the colors behind. Sounds nice, and yes, it was, but I hated about 99% of the colors and have since covered most of them. Three rooms to go (kitchen, front bedroom, basement). The problem with leaving them and me not wanting any of them is that I don't know what to do with paint! My trash man won't take it except for maybe one day of the year when they do their Spring Cleaning and I'm sick of them around. So... I'm organizing it.

All of the paint that I have bought and used throughout the house is pictured above. The other paint from her is being boxed up and some day I will figure out where to put/take it all. Two cans were empty so those suckers got thrown away without my trash man knowing about it. The rest is a waiting game.

But while cleaning the entire basement this week, I found those three containers. I put spray paint in one (and need to bring the rest down there), paint supplies (stripper, rollers, etc) in another, and the third currently houses one single outlet cover that isn't being used. Not even sure where it came from but it'll be basically the odds and ends from the house - hardware, stuff like that until I know I don't need it and then it'll be donated and/or thrown away.

The biggest news (cross your fingers, it hasn't physically happened yet) is that I have a guy coming to pick up the giant avocado green freezer tonight. I told him it's big so hopefully he's bringing some guys. I am NOT helping! I cleaned everything around it, behind it, and in its way out of my house so that it'll be as easy as possible to get the sucker out! After that happens, this girly is getting built in shelving for the basement! Woo to the hoo!

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