This blog got sad, didn't it? It's purely a result of my busy life.
July came around (after my last post in June) and it was family time, vacations (here in Missouri, we didn't go anywhere big), and then the biggest change of the year - I got the call saying that they wanted me to come in for an interview into a different (better) district. Within two weeks, I interviewed, was offered the job, accepted the job, had to break my contract, and then waited until they could tell me if they would let me out. Long story short, all is fine minus a hole in my bank account (yes, I had to buy out my contract).
August became a blur of teaching stress. New district, new school, new level of students. Lily started a new school too, same district though for her.
I turned 35 in September.
Nate turned 4 in October.
Doug and I "celebrated" being together for 15 years in October. Our celebration was a Facebook post... that's seriously how busy we are.
Oh, did I forgot to mention that we are now both full time graduate students? I'm doing it for the second time (yes, I'm crazy!).
Nate and Lily played soccer which was fun for a few weeks. Doug played rugby again.
I went on a field trip with Lily's school group to the St. Louis City Museum. It's fantastic. The photo below is from one of their architecture exhibits. Don't go there thinking it's a regular museum though. It's truly a one of a kind place!
And now it's almost the middle of November with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner.
I'm really not sure where time has gone but that's life now.
Our living room, above, received all my outside plants as the weather turned cold. It's a jungle and I love it.
And this girl, with her four buddies, have turned six months old and I have yet to receive any eggs!
I'll be back later. Maybe.
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