{Life} Catch Up

Oh my goodness.... Summer is already here (as in I'm done with work until August) and things are moving too fast. 

Nate is 7 months old and had his first hair cut. It makes him look so much older. He goes for his wellness check Friday, so we can finally see how big he is!

And then there's the princess. My oh my. She's my little fish and would spend all day, everyday at the pool. Lucky for us, my parents have a new one. Plus, I won passes for our local pool. And, Lily now goes to the local pool with preschool three times a week. Talk about happiness! Yesterday was their first visit and she slept for over 12 hours last night. 

And back to the busy bee... I get to stay home with him this summer. It lowers my productivity by about 90% but I wouldn't have it any other way. He is my little animal lover. 

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Gosh, your little guys has a lot of hair already at 7 months! I have a 10 mo old and he still just has peach fuzz. =) Visiting from the MoWB Sunday link-up.


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