Today was one of the hardest days for me... we had to put down my dog, Rugby. He was sick and not doing well and it was one of those things where he could live a few more days, maybe a week, or be in miserable pain in minutes. It was definitely for the best but it was very hard to do. My dad and I went to the vet and held him and petted him as he passed away. He was my first baby, all by myself (except the last four months where he enjoyed living out at the farm). I adopted him almost 7 years ago (1-28-04) from the Humane Society when he weighed just 20 lbs. I have a pic from around that time but it's missing (I know it's on my parents' old computer, if it hasn't disappeared or something happened to it and I know I sent it to a few friends - Margaret, I know I sent it to you while you were in Scotland, do you have it?) and it showed how small he was at that time. But here are some of the good photos I have from the past 7 years. They were a great time with my big baby!! I love ya Rug and I will definitely miss you!
My baby boy as a baby....

Just a short while after I adopted him, back when he could fit in a small chair...

Cuddling with his new sister after she was adopted (2005)...

Momma and her boy, 2005-ish I think...

Jumping into my parents' lake when he could actually do this. It seemed like it only lasted one summer but he LOVED water!

Retrieving his "stick" (canoe paddle that broke), and enjoying his favorite past time, swimming...

Enjoying a car ride and showing off his big cheeks...

My handsome baby boy...

Handsome fella...
Watching his little sister nap…
Rugby being so good with a baby Lily as she tries to roll over…
Good bye sweet boy, we all loved you!
1 comment:
I am so sorry for your loss. I am actually bawling as I try to write this... Losing a pet is unbelievably difficult, especially your very first baby. I don't really know what else to say, except I hope you feel better soon and at least Rugby isn't in any pain anymore.
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