
{Upstairs} Update

The before shot of the new shelf area...

The after shot. The shelves are painted white to match the trim, but my dad and I thought it would look best to have the supports painted to blend into the wall. What do you think?

Before paint... there was a crack in the drywall (the perks of owning an old home that still settles) that my dad repaired. It's all painted now but I forgot to take a pic before the sun went down.

My closet before painting the supports..

After painting...

Looking East from my closet to the rest of the room...

Another view...

Doug's closet. We haven't done the shelf system yet for that.

The built in desk in the office. We plan on having at least one other real desk once the room is done but this one is fun. It may turn into my scrapbook/arts 'n' crafts area. Or an area for the bills. Who knows...I painted the back to match the walls and am thinking about staining the wood pieces a darker shade to match the floor. The front piece, which I don't have a good pic of yet, is really cool and that's why I'm not painting the whole thing.

The bathroom got all the cutting in done today. It needs a second coat.

1 comment:

Oona Johnson said...

It's really coming along nicely. Personally I agree with you that the supports should be painted white to match the shelving and trim, but I'm not sure you are even going to notice once the shelves are up.


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