{Life Lately} Miss Lily and Beefy

I was going through my boxes of books in the basement the other day to find which ones I could take to work, which ones needed to go upstairs, and what else was down there. I found my old atlas book that I loved to look at growing up. It's super sized and full of fun little details - animals, architecture, random facts - and I knew Lily would enjoy it. I was right!

And then there's Beefy. Beefy has definitely gotten use to the house over the last 6+ months here. She enjoys the fact that she lives with Lily who has a lot of pillows that she doesn't always use. The white thing she's laying on in this picture is the bunny Pillow Pet Lily got from Babby for Easter and the brown thing is a blanket. 100+ degrees outside, mid 70's in the house and she enjoys being bundled up on top of hair pillows. Can you say spoiled?!?!

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