Fun at the Fair

Summer in Missouri means lots of local, small fairs and our favorite (and only one we really go to) is one that's halfway between my parents house and our house. Here are some pictures from last year and if you are my friend on Facebook, you've seen two from my phone. I have a bunch on my camera that I need to go through and post soon.

She rode this guy once this year then prefered to switch to the helicopter (seen in the background).

She loved the motorcycles again but prefered the backseat every single time she rode this year.

She LOVED this ride last year. She HATED it this year. Rode it once, was terrified, almost in tears.

Even rode it with Daddy a few times. Pure joy. Not this year!

Pure happiness. She wouldn't ride theses "boats" (as she called this last year) this time around.

This is on the ferris wheel, which wasn't even there this year. Bummer!

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