{Family Fun} Papa in a Basket

Wednesday and Thursday saw Parent Teacher Conferences for me, so on Thursday while Doug was playing rugby, my parents came over to babysit. When I told Lily they were doing this, she said "babysit? I'm not a baby!" I guess I hadn't used the term before that she remembered.

Anyway, after coming home Thursday I saw that Lily was keeping Papa pretty entertained (and I'm guessing worn out too!).

This was the first thing... they were hiding. I love that their hands are the same and you can see Lily's smile. She is definitely a Papa's girl!

Please excuse the mess, this is where we spend the majority of our time at home so it sees a lot of toy action!

And this is what happens afterwards... my dad gets stuck in the laundry basket as it slides further and further down his shoulders as Lily sits on top. She was having a ball!!

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