A wider shot... you can see we added the dirt today (thanks Dad for the dirt!). We loaded Doug's truck up yesterday and brought it home after the auction we went to. It's nice to finally have it done because we got the big foundation stones a year ago! We've been kind of busy on other areas...
A view of the whole front... it's a work in progress! The middle plant (by the opening in the bricks) is my white bleeding heart. It's starting to lose the white flowers so I'm slightly worried. But I love them. Maybe it's getting too much sun?! The tag said it would be fine in the sun though... And the plant on the far left (with the big tag on it still) is a Dwarf Mugo Pine from my parents. The stump behind it needs pulled out and will be replaced with a white lilac (most likely). I'm thinking there needs to be another container on the far left between the pine and the stump because of how the rocks stop. But I'll wait for awhile...
The shot from the sidewalk. You can see how much we cleared out of our front side. The stump was a giant bush that was almost to the gutter. It's a pretty bush (well, the flowers are), but it's not what I want and it is starting to spread everywhere. I don't want it everywhere! I left the ivy in the corner by the downspout and will fill in the area with other plants in the future. It is definitely a work in progress!
There are a few touches we did that aren't as obvious right now... and I also don't have a before photo to show you what it looked like (maybe somewhere on this computer I can find one...). I moved all the irises to the side with the others, moved some of the ground cover around the front bed, and we planted hens and chicks in the spaces between the rocks. We hope they continue to trail down the dirt "roads" between the rocks. I may buy some sedum or groundcover to help fill in some areas. Some of the foundation stones have a lot of bumps and dips in them, making it possible to grow some sedums in the stones themselves. One of the stones has something stuck on it from when a planter sat there last year.
I'm honestly not sure what else I want in this bed. I want a lot of flowers, I just don't know what. One of my aunts has offered to give me some of her's, so I'll have to figure out what she has and what will work in this area. It faces East so it gets all the morning sun. There's no shade at all, until afternoon once the sun goes behind the trees in my neighbor's yard. Speaking of trees, we have figured out we want a pine/spruce tree (not sure what variety) to fill in the big hole we have from a tree that lived here previously and also some pink dogwoods to go between our sidewalk and the street. We need some plants to hide the view of our neighbors across the street.
But, it won't all happen now. We don't have the money... plus, it's kind of nice to do things over time to see how things grow and take shape. Sure, I'd do it all tomorrow if I could afford it, but we'll wait until things go on sale and we have the money and time to spend on the front yard. We still have to take a few things out - like the holly, the stump, and a few other bushes from the other side of the yard, plus two bushes from the back yard. And we'd love to have a new sidewalk poured (both the one to the house and what runs parallel to the road, and a new one from the front step to our driveway so you don't walk in the grass). That would be nice to have done tomorrow, but that will take some saving!
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