
Operation Wallpaper Removal, part 2

Here are the pics... I have some more as a semi-tutorial for ya (if you desire one), so those are for the next post. This is the corner of the upper part (you can kind of see the moulding)... I actually found some original (or super old) wallpaper underneath for the first time ever in this house... You can kind of see it in the middle of the pic (you may have to enlarge it) - it's the stripes and a slight floral pattern to the left of the stripes.

Why so many colors? The white is the unpainted plaster that was hidden underneath the wallpaper, the offwhite is some paper from the wallpaper, and the darker colors are from the original (I'm guessing) plaster or paper from the plaster. It was a mess!

You can see the stripes more in this photo from the original wallpaper.

A wide shot...

Cleaned off and primed!

And there you have it. I'll hopefully be finished tomorrow. I'm only removing the paper and painting though - the trim work will wait until next week. I've decided to only paint the trim on the floor and leave the windows. I may paint the trim around the door but I'll wait until I paint the door later this summer. I REALLY want to paint the mantel and fireplace but I can't decide on a color yet. The fireplace/chimney needs some TLC (in the form of a professional) but I may still paint the inside and surrounding bricks a dark color and the mantel a lighter, brighter color (sky blue, perhaps?).

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