
{Farm} Lily Lately

I helped deliver a wedding cake yesterday for my old boss and so Lily spent the day with my parents. I also went shipping, something I don't get to do often without Lily. It was nice and quiet but almost too quiet. Weird, I know. After I was done, I joined Lily and my parents out at their farm.
Giant broccoli. I swear this thing was as big as my hand!
I love her eye lashes!
Picking blueberries with no pants. That's how we roll on the farm.
Beautiful (and yummy!) blueberries!
Picking blueberries with Papa. Our mission for the summer is to get our yearly photo of Lily feeding Papa blueberries to continue the series.
Lily's in the dog house (and yes, this dog house has a window with glass!)
Shy Pete. He hates having his photo taken.
Washing off fresh carrots with Papa in the sprinkler.
Enjoying their carrots.

1 comment:

SkinnyMeg said...

Man, wish the broccoli was growing in my yard!!


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