{Project} Baby Bed Springs

It seems that everyone around the internet has their version of this project, but I'm still doing it. My parents had my old baby bed (that I think was originally my older cousin's) and it was one of those "unsafe" for current sat in mstandards. It y dad's shop/garage for a long time and now it's been sitting in my basement. I have plans for the rest of the frame but didn't need the box springs for that, so I knew I needed to find another use. Enter the memo board idea. I'm not 100% sure as to where it'll eventually go, as I've thought of both Lily's room and my office. However, both have the majority of their walls filled or plans to fill them are in place. So I've also given thought to other rooms.

Anyway, I finally got around to spraying it. I went with my new favorite spray paint but need another container in order to finish it off. All of the springs, wires, and frame were sprayed. Isn't it pretty?

Shiny, black/dark gray metallic paint with just a bit of shimmer.
Half way done when I remembered to take a photo.
Rusty frame. I washed it and brushed off all the cobwebs, dirt and mulch (it was sitting in our newly mulched flower bed when I hosed it off).
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