One of the items on my 40 before 40 list was to change out rock garden into a veggie garden. So we did and I'm happy to say that we have produced enough lettuce to feed our entire family (and then some), the broccoli is pretty much done for the summer, and our tomato and tomatillos are looking really good!
As for the items on my list, it ended up that we combined 17 (plant a veggie/fruit garden) and 18 (rescue cactus garden) into one. We still need to add more plants so it includes more fruit, but for now 17 is basically done, or at least in progress as the side bar says, and 18 will be considered done as we completely removed our cactus garden. I'm ok with it being gone as many of the pots have been reused throughout the rest of our yard and many were planted with annuals to brighten up Lily's garden this spring.
Just to show you the progress of the space, here's what it used to be:
Here's the garden looking a lot better. We had just finished making it our rock garden in 2008 and it was turning out to be a great space. Everything in the ground was able to winter over and everything in pots (except the prickly pear in the back left corner and the hens and chicks in the bottom right) had to be brought inside. After successfully killing all but the giant cactus that first winter, and then also becoming pregnant with Lily, we realized the rock garden wasn't a match for us. But wasn't it pretty?
So, fast forward to today. The area is a decent size with lots of light, so we knew a regular veggie garden would be good for this space. We have a smaller area in our yard where our raspberries and cilantro are. I may rip out all of the cilantro and do an herb garden somewhere else but that's for next year.
After the summer ends this year, I may do things differently next year. We're trying out different plants as we go along and although I'm pretty sure we'll be happy, I may rearrange the garden differently next year. This year we didn't plan all that well but focused on getting specific things in when we had them. We had bought some of the plants and were given others by my dad.
1 comment:
oh my gosh, your lettuce is outta hand. that's awesome, i am SUPER jealous!
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