
{Alabama} The Beach

The Alabama Vacation continues.... I love the beach. There's something so soothing and beautiful about it. If it hadn't been freezing every morning, and pretty cold throughout the day, I would have spent my entire vacation there. The waves crashing, the colors of the sky, the birds flying, and on our last evening, a dolphin sighting. I now realize just why people always vacation to the beach. Before last's year vacation to Florida, it had been well over a decade since I had last been. Now, in one year, I've gone to the beaches near Dunedin, Florida last December, a Great Lakes beach with Doug in August, and Alabama's Gulf Shores. Maybe next December it'll be another beach on an island or somewhere warmer. A girl can wish!
Many of these photographs were taken at sunset or sunrise.

Oil rigs lit up off the coast of Alabama. They were everywhere.

The best sand dollar we found. I'm glad I took a picture because it was about the size of a dime and as fragile as can be. It soon broke, just like the other small one I found. Some day I will find a big one!

My mom and I thought this guy was dead and I so I touched him...

He wasn't... just probably freezing cold and super slow.

My mom chasing after the heron ... here she is walking away after she was super close.

The prettiest shell we found, fully together and everything, and there had to be some sort of barnacles on it.

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