{Baby Boy} New Room Plans

Ahh, plans... sometimes they just don't happen. You know what I mean? Baby Boy's room is just that. Plans that didn't happen due to scheduling, time and money. Mainly the first two, but a little bit of money too.
We had plans of making a room similar to his sister's new room and looking like this...

But with dark wood floors and furniture, not white.


New plans! We're going to keep everything as is now that the room is empty and just paint the walls. The paint was bought last night and I am ready to paint another room (ok, not really, but at least there's not that much cutting in!). It's going to go be gray with accents of navy (which we will use in the future for the walls), teal, and white to name a few. Although I wasn't planning on it, a few touches of red will show up too.

I'll keep you updated as we change the room once again, but before you leave, check out the before photos from when we toured the home....

Blue walls, baby poop brown trim and a stencil. There was some weird draped fabric (seriously, that was it, not even hemmed) for a "window treatment" that I took down almost as fast as some of the other stuff in this house.
We painted it a bright green (it was brighter in person) and an offwhite trim. This was before I made all the trim in my house go white as I continued working on the rooms. This was left over paint from my dad (meaning free) and we were dirt broke at this time in our life. We also added crown moulding which I love.

The bi-fold doors are now off, exposing everything in the closets (there are two). I thought about curtains but never got around to it with Lily so we will see what happens with Baby Boy. Once the actual remodel happens, some closet configurations will be occuring, combining them into one large closet. In the above photo, directly to the left of the closet is a closet in the adjoining room that we may take over for this room and then swap it out with the closet on the right of the door above. I'll keep you updated if that decision sticks.


Maria@TheBrooklynFig said...

Nice color! Looks great against the white doors and trim.

Jenna said...

No room or project ever goes as planned! Can't wait to see the end result! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

Consuelo Nakayama said...

Couldn't help but chuckle on the baby poop brown part. :)

I love the green walls, though. It'll certainly looks livelier than the blue walls. And it contrasts well with the hardwood floor too. Are you planning to put a carpet of some sort in there, or leave it as is?

Megan {The Brick Bungalow} said...

Consuelo, this room actually is now gray with white trim and there's a green trellis rug in there for my son's nursery. It's big picture plans are on hold right now but I love the gray. The green walls were nice for the 4 years they were up but it was so bright in person that I needed a break!


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