I'm jumping on the Recap bandwagon and posting everything we've done this summer. I know most do it by month but since this is my first post, I figured I'd sum up everything we've done since school let out. Some projects haven't had their final posts (work duty calls) but I promise I'll get to them soon. With that said, we have done a lot this summer and I thought I'd do a post over everything we accomplished.
Right at the beginning of summer (I actually had to take a half day on the last work day, missing the all staff breakfast) to find out that we are having a BOY!
Doug's parents, his sister and Will came to celebrate Lily's birthday.
We celebrated with a family party for Miss Lily's 4th Birthday!
We tackled Lily's Big Girl Room Remodel (more to come as it's done!) but let's remember what it looked like before...
I took out a bajillion staples from the drop ceiling....

And during...
Her room got two new windows...
A lot of new insulation...
And with new insulation, comes new drywall...
Lots of paint and additional details...
And so much more that I need to write about!
The rest of the house saw some improvements too! Let's not forget about the deck...
A final post over the entire deck will happen soon too.
Then there's the project we hired out - our new sidewalks and part of a new driveway (a final post to come on that too).
It's completely done, don't let the picture fool you. But before we got out there to clean it up, a major downpour happened and now it's solid mud. I do really enjoy our short cut from our front porch to our driveway though and will love it when the ground is covered in snow and I'm wrestling a 4 year old and newborn.
We also spent the summer doing fun things!
We took Lily fishing at Bass Pro where she caught TWO fish!
So this doesn't fall into the fun category but she ended up fine (although the red spot on her forehead is still there), but Lily fell at daycare and I rushed her to the doc to see if she had a concussion (she did not, thankfully!).
Lily showed everyone that eating a handful of berries is the only way to do it!
I created a new flower bed in Lily's Garden and edged the whole thing with our recycled bricks.
We went to my dad's uncle's farm for July 4th, celebrating with lots of cousins and great food.
We got to see this little guy's face in 3D and learn that he is perfectly healthy and normal and wonderful.
We enjoyed the local county fair and Lily made a new friend, becoming fearless and oh so much fun to watch on all the rides.
We took our annual trip to the Lake with my parents on their boat.
I finally got around to taking Lily's photos for her 4 year old photo shoot.
Doug's closet finally got storage solutions in the form of shelving, containers, and a rod to hang clothes on.
And I got to see how big Little Man was again and to see his chubby cheeks again. I can't wait kiss him!
I've also showed off some May flowers, plans for Baby Boy's new room (that got put on hold, more info to come in a future post but it'll happen some day!), I showed off Lily's Garden in a June tour, I wrote about missing my brother on his birthday, and now that summer is almost over and work is about to start up again, we're about to tackle painting Little Man's room so we can move the furniture into it, clean up our house and prepare for another busy school year!
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