{Colorado} Grand Lake

Our last morning in Colorado was spent climbing in Grand Lake. I really wish I remember the name of it, and if I can find it, I'll post. It's a great area and includes various sizes of walking paths. 

It was a chilly 55 degrees when we started but definitely warmed up afterwards, not to mention working up a little sweat as you climb up some. 

After some waterfalls, the water area calms down a bit and created a perfect spot to throw rocks and get our toes wet. It was cold, of course, but you can't stop us from water! 

The kids were getting tired and so my parents walked back to the car with them (they were also starving as we went before breakfast!). It's unfortunate that they did because we saw some beautiful views. 

Doug and I were just positive that we'd see another moose but we couldn't see a thing! We walked about a mile from the start, maybe closer to 1.5 miles from the beginning (in total). 

And just as we were about to turn around to head back, we saw two juvenile moose running through the pasture. They were good size, so of course we stopped. 

And then we saw what they were running from - a momma and her baby. At this point we were stopping to take photos, but also realized that they were headed in the same direction we were. 

We watched mom and baby as the juveniles had already disappeared from view and we realized that we needed to be extra careful. We wanted to head back to the car though, so we walked slowly as we weren't sure about mom. 

We lost track of the four moose in the woods as we walked back but kept seeing their tracks, which were fresh, so we were very alert to noises and our surroundings. We knew we didn't know the area and luckily we were fine. I calmed down a bit once I saw some more people walking towards us on the trail, but I did not want to come face to face with a momma moose! 

And that, is our trip to Colorado! We drove part of the way home to Missouri after Grand Lake. We saw the starts of some wildfires the night before we left and they seemed to be under control as we left. Part of the area we were in was really dry with lots of dead trees, so lets hope everyone stays safe! 

Don't forget to check out our other Colorado posts! 

Grand Lake - you're here!

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