{Bathroom Planning} Day 1 - Floor Plans and Flooring

Hello Friends! Happy Monday! 

Next week is going to be a big week for our bathroom! It'll be completely gutted and become a brand new bathroom. If you follow the blog on Instagram (@thebrickbungalow), you'll see that we actually started demo last week. But that was just to get a measurement, as we are expanding into what used to be an old closet. Anyway, before I get too ahead of myself, I wanted to do some inspiration posts for the bathroom.

Day 1 - Floor Plans and Flooring
Day 2 - Vanities 
Day 3 - Mirrors vs. Medicine Cabinets
Day 4 - Lighting
Day 5 - Colors and Hardware

Now, before getting down to it, I wanted to thank our parents because without them, this wouldn't happen. We've wanted to update this bathroom since we moved in. I temporarily updated it as much as possible with paint not long after living here, but we need a full update.

Our family of four, plus our guests, use this bathroom. It's in constant use so we need to update it. Along with updating it, we will actually be making it just a bit bigger. When making Lily's room, we made sacrificed some space in her room, knowing that we'd tackle the bathroom at some point. Her room is just fine and we can hardly wait to see this new bathroom take place.

Now… the floor plan…

We started with a bathroom that is roughly 68" (5 feet, 8 inches) wide by a little over 8 feet in length. The set up is as shown. You walk through our hallway into the bathroom and there's not a lot of depth between the countertop and tub (more than this makes it look though). The window is also right next to our shower, so that's an issue.
Once we knock down the wall into what used to be a closet, we gain almost 3 feet of space, making the bathroom an almost perfect square. We are moving the vanity to where the tub used to be (by the window, as shown), probably turning the toilet 90" and building a wall between it and the shower (since it'll be a wall anyway due to a shower surround). This opens up the area a lot, giving us room to move.

Now, onto pretty things…


This is the one thing I am dead set on, and so is Doug. It's actually about the only thing that he has put any say into because we both want it that much. As for other things, there will be some things that kind of vary but we'll get to that. This floor though. It'll also be used in our kitchen remodel (down the road). We will probably buy this exact version at Lowe's. It's Mahogany and a perfect color!

And just to refresh your memory, here's what we started with when we bought the house.

Oh my. I forgot how bad it was. The wallpaper (border, decals, dots on the ceiling) were all removed pretty quickly and easily (luckily). The shower curtain was replaced. The walls, ceiling, trim, vanity were all painted. I'm sorry for killing your eyes… now just stay tuned for some beautiful inspiration and then follow us for the remodel stage!

Day 1 - Floor Plans and Flooring
Day 5 - Colors and Hardware

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