{Bathroom} Demo Day 4 and 5

Welcome back! We're moving right along with this bathroom remodel… and by we, I mean the guys, of course. I've been busy cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, and running errands. There's just so much space and they're doing a great job. 

Just like when we remodeled the upstairs master suite and Lily's room, we replaced the old, original windows. Doug picked out a style and we were able to get it in frosted glass for the bathroom. Our neighbor's side porch is right next to our house, so we don't need them peeping on us. 

Another issue my dad tackled (with the help of Doug, of course) was to drill a hole into our brick. Our house is really old and so it's two layers of brick with a space in between. The hole is for our new vent, something we haven't had before. 

And here's my dad drilling. Doug's holding a 2x4' to help hold one of the many wires on this side of the house. See that pile of wood? I need to carry that away. It's all more crap from the remodel. 

Side note… see that overgrown area behind them? It has some gorgeous lilies and irises, none of which you can see due to the crazy mimosa trees and weeds that take up space. It's days are limited. But, that'll probably have to wait until next summer because we are running out of days this summer! 

The guys also started insulating the walls. Just like our upstairs and Lily's room, we've added insulation. You can see the solid brick walls above so by adding insulation, we keep our house a better temperature and save money. We've now done it three ways. We've increased the wall depth each time but upstairs was with spray foam (scroll down the post, past giant baby belly), Lily's room was with regular rolled insulation and foam on top, and this time around it's just foam. They added these 2x4's (sideways to keep from taking too much space) and put foam between. There will be an additional 1/2" of foam on top, to insult the 2x4's as well. It all helps! 

And here's Day 5, which I'm adding because I'm behind already and so much happens that I haven't photographed, so I'm wrapping up some of these posts.

A big problem that we had to deal with (still actually dealing with it, so wish us luck!) is the vanity. I ordered a beautiful vanity from Menard's and had it delivered to the store (30 minutes away) but it saved us almost $200. That's a lot of money! So we had it put on our truck and we were in the process of unwrapping it when we saw that the back splash was broken IN HALF and then as we unwrapped more, the top was cracked like a Y. I was so let down! I've contacted the company and let's hope all goes well. Wish us luck! 

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