I first made a post about "Listy Listerson" in 2013 (see original here) about all the things I wanted to do for the house. So after finding it, I figured that since it's been 5 years I should update it. I will also be adding more links as I can.
Let's start at the front of the house. Sorry for the long post!
Front Yard:
What we have done:
- Removed old, rotten wood borders (think small railroad ties)
- Removed overgrown bushes near the house and the holly in the middle of the yard
- Replaced sidewalks, added a sidewalk from main sidewalk to driveway
- Created a larger front bed with foundation stones
- Added lots of flowers (sometimes again and again...)
- Removed broken street light
- Created a raised bed for strawberries and blueberries
- Continued front bed around corner of house with addition of lilac bush and grasses (plus more flowers!)
What we need to do:
- Level one side of yard - at this point, it may not happen.
What we have done:
- We re-finished the original oak door
- Painted the mailbox (three times technically)
- Installed a porch swing (a gift for Lily's baby shower from my parents) and added some flower pots
What we need to do:
- Paint ceiling, porch floor and railings
- Paint table if it's staying and/or decorate
Exterior of whole house:
What we have done:
- Added an exterior water faucet on south side of house (only one was outside on north side for the entire house prior to this)
- Replaced 7 windows (4 upstairs, three on main floor)
- Roof (thanks insurance!)
What we need to do:
- Paint window sills and all trim
- Replace windows (7 down, 12 to go if we do them all on the first floor, 4 more if you count the basement)
- Gutters - insurance was going to pay for this but our roof was more than they gave us, so it'll be out of pocket. Luckily it's not as much as I thought.
Interior of whole house:
What we have done:
- Replaced entire HVAC system
- Worked on some of the electrical (trying to do more as we work on room remodels)
- Added new breaker box
What we need to do:
- Paint all trim white
- Sand, stain, refinish all wood floors - at this point it'll probably happen when we sell the house but who knows
Living Room:
What we have done:
- Removed wallpaper, painted, decorated
- Changed out ceiling fans
What we need to do:
- Replace windows
- Fix chimney and fireplace
- Buy new couch (this is a want not a need, but still!)
Dining Room:
What we have done:
- Removed wallpaper, painted, decorated
What we need to do:
- Replace large windows
What we have done:
- Removed majority of wallpaper, painted walls, ceiling and cabinets
- Bought new appliances
What we need to do:
- Complete gut - down to studs, add insulation, windows, etc.
TV Room (back bedroom):
What we have done:
- Bought a new couch
- Replaced the TV (twice)
- Added curtains
What we need to do:
- Complete gut including two new windows and ripping out the carpet to refinish existing hardwood floors
Middle Bedroom (aka Nate's room):
What we have done:
- Painted, decorated (twice, as it was Lily's old room)
- Installed smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector
What we need to do:
- New window, complete gut like Lily's room (I don't know if this will ever happen though)
What we have done:
- Phase 1 - remove wallpaper, paint, replace shower curtain (to cover this up)
- Phase 2 - complete gut down to the studs, replace some sub floor, enlarge foot print, add everything brand new (this all happened in 2015)
What we need to do:
- Decorate with something on the walls
Lily's Room:
What we have done:
- Complete gut in 2013 down to the studs. We replaced everything including the windows, insulation, drywall and moved her closet (to make additional room for the bathroom remodel).
- Painted and decorated per a 7 year old, time will change this as she's now 9
What we need to do:
- Keep organized (HA!)
- Possibly repaint
What we have done:
- Complete gut (down to the studs), added spray foam insulation, drywall, and painted everything.
- Bought furniture - we have now a grown up bed, side tables, and a dresser.
- We also set up the TV area with new chairs, an inherited sideboard that holds our TV, and we moved our old TV upstairs.
What we need to do:
- Finish decorating, organize
Upstairs Office:
What we have done:
- Complete gut, along with the rest of the upstairs that involved insulation, walls, new window
- Decorated
- Refinished built in shelf/desk combo
What we need to do:
- Refinish wood floors
- Create built in shelves along west wall
Upstairs Bathroom:
What we have done:
- Complete gut (with the rest of the upstairs)
- Removed leaky skylight
What we need to do:
- Replace lighting
- Add mirror above sink (it's a tiny area, so I need to find a small one)
- Hang towel rack (this won't happen until we decide on a new light fixture for placement purposes)
Laundry room side:
We bought shelves and started on organization, but like anything it requires upkeep. Not much else will go on but clean up. I would like to make "zones" for the different areas - storage, laundry, and tool storage.
Unfinished side - aka the Craft Room
What we have done:
- Painted the ceiling and walls white
- Painted the floor gray
- Started "Craft Room Organization"
- Lighting
What we need to do:
- Finish adding furniture and storage
- Continue working on it to best suit the needs of the entire family (how to store kid stuff plus home stuff plus my stuff)
- Finish painting floor
Basement bathroom:
What we have done:
- Replaced toilet
- Replaced floor
What we need to do:
- Repair some wall damage
- Paint
Basement stairs:
What we have done:
- Removed broken bi-fold door
- Installed gate to keep kids and dogs from basement
- Painted trim from basement stairs to dining room
What we need to do:
- Repair wall damage
- Paint walls and ceiling
- Decide on finish for stairs - treads and risers
Big Side Yard: (aka Lily's Garden)
What we have done:
- Created large raised beds with foundation stones
- Added various flower bed "zones" with recycled brick borders (see one here)
- Removed all remaining grass and replaced with rocks
- Installed a black iron fence and arbor
- Back of garden was divided from back yard by our privacy fence
What we need to do:
- Add more mulch, weed - as always with any garden
- Possibly redo the back bed (mostly shade) due to large growth from two hydrangeas and then the bird seed weed takeover
What we have done:
- Removed overgrown prickly pear cactus, created a rock garden, removed rock garden and then turned it into a vegetable garden.
- Added a bed for our raspberries
- Built a kid area for both kids
- Seating was donated to us, new cushions were bought, and dining furniture was bought as well.
- A flower garden was created along with the base of an herb spiral that still needs to be finished.
- Built privacy fence
- Added deck off back door for safety and BBQ area
- Built a chicken coop and run
What we need to do:
- Paint shed (this will involve scaffolding, a power washer, and a long pole to paint as it's a metal shed with no true support on the roof).
- Remove all grass in kids' area and put down mulch (currently working on doing this in sections to be easier as it's a large project!). Plans include: garden 1, garden 2, rock bed, hopscotch.
What we have done:
- Installed water faucet
- Added a garden bed for tomatoes and peppers (that turned into flower bed)
- Edged in area directly next to front porch and planted hostas (this was redone after removal of large plant)
- Transplanted irises and lilies to be on side of front porch
- Cleaned up previously chaotic area for 5 re-purposed livestock bins (feed/salt) and added vegetable plants, herbs, and a couple flowers (seen above)
- Added border to new garden area to help keep in mulch (that also is needed)
- Remove grass/plants from around HVAC and gas meter and put down rock
What we need to do:
- Clean up, remove overgrown plants - there are still a few that won't die that have been cut to the ground but keep growing (stupid mimosa trees!). This appears to be an ongoing fight.
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